Team Swachh Kalyani Nagar (TSKN) is a  group of active citizens who have come together to work for the community. An active citizens’ body is essential for an engaged vibrant community, and TSKN is just that – a group that looks for innovative solutions to problems in the community, be it related to waste management or other civic affairs, traffic, law and order and so on. TSKN’s team members have a diverse range of skills, each of which is important to deliver what a healthy engaged community needs.

Started in November 2014 as a volunteer group, it has grown to become a known entity in the locality and beyond. TSKN’s work has been appreciated by the Pune Municipal Corporation, other citizen groups across Pune city, and even other cities in India and abroad.

Our Successes


Elimination of chronic litter spots


Recycling systems for different waste types


Effective Traffic Management system


Happier, Healthier, Connected Residents


Engaged Government staff and officials

Zero-waste Lifestyle

Effectiveness of residents’ awareness and working towards a zero-waste lifestyle

Our Work Management

Through groups: Whatsapp groups for active citizenship, lane groups, traffic management group, Gated Communities (management committee members of societies); Commercials of KN (to promote local entrepreneurship); Cyclists at KN (to promote ecofriendly travel) 

Though meetings: Weekly meetings with set agenda to plan work and check progress of work in pipeline. Meetings with officials of different departments of government and NGOS

Our profits over the past years (2014-2021) have been both tangible and intangible:
Tangible – elimination of chronic litter spots, recycling systems for different waste types, traffic management building
Intangible – happier, healthier connected residents, engaged PMC staff and officials from MSEDCL, commercial establishments,
effectiveness of residents’ awareness and working towards a zero-waste lifestyle, that encompasses environment-friendly toxin-free living and respect for nature

Notable Projects

Volunteer Guide for Active Citizens

A step-by-step guide that would help all residents who wish to volunteer for community service. 

Our Scrap Band : Band Bajaa De


Our scrap band takes the messages of good citizenship to the people through music.